Keld to Grinton - A Hike – A Pilgrimage – A Witness -The Stations of the Cross
Good Friday Walk – 18 April 2025
A Hike – A Pilgrimage – A Witness -The Stations of the Cross
All are invited to take part, for all or some of the route - children with an accompanying adult and dogs (on leads at all times) are most welcome. please bring a packed lunch, hot drinks will be provided at the lunch stop.
8.00 am Cars leave from Grinton Church. There will not be a bus, but we encourage car sharing and lifts. If you need a...
'Encountered - Meetings with God in ordinary places'
Christians Together in Swaledale
Lent Meetings 2025 – all meetings at 7pm
You are welcome to come to any or all of these meetings during Lent
Bestselling author Claire Benton-Evans explores the ordinary places of the Easter story in which the extraordinary events of Jesus' life, death and resurrection occurred.
The five sessions and accompanying meditations will lead you to examine the reality of these places and engage with the Gospel stories...
Join a free introductory course to bell ringing organised by the Two Dales bell ringers.
For over five hundred years the Church Bells of Wensleydale and Swaledale have been resounding across our countryside. The sound of bells ringing is deeply rooted in English culture. They provide the grand soundtrack to our historic moments, call out for our celebrations and toll sadly in empathy with our grief.
However, for the first time since the second world war, in 2020 the bells fell silent. The Covid Lockdown halted ringing in the church towers. However, our...
The God Story
Mike and Meg Evershed are leading a fortnightly small group study on the unfolding story the Bible tells us about God and about ourselves, using material prepared by the 24/7 Prayer Movement. It is suitable for any level of faith or none. You can join in online or in person. If you are interested, please ring Mike and Meg on 01748884926 or e-mail Mike at for details
Please pray and think and act!
We are currently looking for a PCC Secretary, a Safeguarding Officer and an Electoral Roll Officer for the parish, as the person who has been holding these roles for the last 5 years has now stepped down.
PCC Secretary
This includes working with the vicar on agendas, taking minutes of PCC meetings, and distributing minutes and agendas and other information before meetings (4 times a year). We also have a Standing Committee meeting 2 weeks before each PCC meeting,...