Parish of Swaledale with Arkengarthdale

01748 884706

Giving to the Church during the Covid Situation

  • Posted On: 31 December 2020
  • If you give to the church by standing order, please continue to do so during the current crisis, as you are able to. Our church buildings still need to be kept running and the bills and Parish Share to be paid.
  • If you usually give money by envelope or in the plate, please consider setting up a standing order, or sending in a monthly cheque.
  • If you would like to give directly online to PCC funds, the bank details are:

Barclays, Darlington and the Dales, Swaledale with Arkengarthdale Parish

Sort code 20-25-29 Account no. 80623717

Please use your surname as the ‘label’


The church treasurers will be glad to hear from you to discuss your giving during this time. Thank you to all who give faithfully to allow our work as the church in this place to keep going.

Church Treasurers:

Arkengarthdale – Enid Lundberg -

Grinton – Chris Steward –

Low Row (& PCC) – Ray Ford -

Muker – Dora Watts -


Categories: Parish News