Parish of Swaledale with Arkengarthdale
01748 884706
Can you find all the clues to solve the puzzle?
Five clue sheets are displayed alongside St Andrew's church path. Three of these clue sheets contain QR codes, which can be scanned to access video clues. The other two clue sheets have puzzle or picture clues, with a task to do. Each of the clues contains a hidden letter, and these five letters can be rearranged to create the password for a final video that links together the stories experienced in the clues. Aimed at families with young children, you will not need to find or scan the clues in any particular order for the treasure hunt to work but you will need all five to find the password for the final video to work.
The introductory video explains the trail story and the 5 clues are also available on the following links:
Clue sheet 1 (two pages) The story of Palm Sunday with an activity for the children
Clue sheet 2 Peter’s denial. A video story, accessed by scanning the QR code on the clue sheet
Clue sheet 3 (two pages) At the cross, with an activity for the children
Clue sheet 4 Nicodemus’ story. A video story, accessed by scanning the QR code on the clue sheet.
Clue sheet 5 Easter day. A video story, accessed by scanning the QR code on the clue sheet
When you have all 5 clue letters you will have the password to rearrange and show the final video. Remember that the first letter is a capital letter!
Enjoy the Easter trail!