Parish of Swaledale with Arkengarthdale

01748 884706

Coming out of Covid Restrictions in Church Services

September 2021 update

  • Posted On: 5 September 2021

In church services, we have been opening up gradually from Covid restrictions, taking care of ourselves and each other, and with one eye on the UK and world situation. The Standing Committee reviews our practices every month and will publicise any changes. You can feed in your thoughts to this process via the churchwardens. These changes took effect from Sunday 1 September.

Masks - We encourage you to continue to wear a face covering in church but understand if you prefer not to. The clergy will continue to wear masks whilst celebrating and distributing communion.

Sanitising hands - Please sanitise your hands as you come into the church building.There will no longer be people meeting you with sanitiser before and after you have received Communion, but sanitiser will be available if you would like to use it.

Recording names for Test and Trace - The QR codes will remain on display, but we will no longer make lists of those who attend services.

Refreshments - These will not be served in church for the time being.

Communion - We will continue to receive Communion in one kind, i.e. bread only.

Singing - We will start to sing again, initially with 2 hymns in each service.

Opening our church buildings - Holy Trinity, Low Row, St. Mary's, Muker and St. Mary’s, Arkengarthdale are open daily. St. Andrew’s, Grinton is open daily from Sunday to Wednesday. 

Categories: Parish News